We are on a mission to run charity bazaars benefiting wonderful organizations in Hong Kong.
Our idea started when we had the opportunity to do something with a 4000 sq ft former retail space until the end of contract. As we all know that rent is sky-high in Hong Kong, we really wanted to fully utilise the space while helping the communit
We are on a mission to run charity bazaars benefiting wonderful organizations in Hong Kong.
Our idea started when we had the opportunity to do something with a 4000 sq ft former retail space until the end of contract. As we all know that rent is sky-high in Hong Kong, we really wanted to fully utilise the space while helping the community at the same time.
Our vision is to provide a platform to showcase small local businesses and artisans while supporting and raising awareness of incredible charities locally and globally.
Our table fee is inclusive of donation to selected charitable organization of the event, and vendors do not need to pay for commission - we want this to be a win-win for everyone who gets involved.
Please follow our social media to keep updated with our upcoming events.
We are committed to donating a minimum of 20% of our proceeds from table fee income to selected charitable organization after each event.
We are currently on a look out for:
Please get in touch for more detail!
Copyright © 2024 Hong Kong Charity Bazaar
All Rights Reserved.